leads4pass VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 5v0-22.21 dumps have been updated to include the most popular PDF files and VCE practice exam engine to help you practice with the newly updated VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 5v0-22.21 exam questions!
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VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 5v0-22.21 dumps exam questions and answers:
New Question 1:
Which two requirements should the vSAN administrator consider in order to accomplish this goal? (Choose two.)
A. A leaf-spine topology is required for core redundancy and reduced latency.
B. NIC teaming must be implemented for the vSAN network vmkernel port.
C. The configuration must meet the same latency and bandwidth requirement as local vSAN.
D. Encryption must be disabled prior to configuring HCI mesh.
E. Either Layer 2 and Layer 3 communications can be used.
Correct Answer: BE
New Question 2:
A vSAN administrator notices the VMware Skyline Health: Network Latency Check reports indicate three hosts are non-compliant.
Which action should the vSAN administrator take?
A. Reboot the noncompliant hosts one at a time.
B. Rerun the VMware Skyline Health: vSAN Cluster Partition report.
C. Place the noncompliant hosts into an isolated network.
D. Check VMKNICs, uplinks, VLANs, physical switches, and associated settings.
Correct Answer: B
New Question 3:
What are two purposes of a vSAN storage policy (Choose two.)
A. To determine vSAN encryption level
B. To enable TRIM/UNMAP
C. To define how the VM storage objects are provisioned
D. To guarantee the required level of service
E. To enable deduplication and compression
Correct Answer: CD
New Question 4:
A vSAN administrator is receiving complaints that applications are not performing as expected. The vSAN administrator opens the vSAN cluster performance charts to try to identify the issue, but the vSAN cluster performance charts are not available.
Which option should vSAN administrator enable to make these charts available?
A. vSAN Performance Diagnostics
B. vSAN Troubleshooting Diagnostics
C. vSAN Performance Service
D. vSAN Troubleshooting Service
Correct Answer: C
New Question 5:
Which state is NOT a compliance status of a VM Storage Policy?
A. Compliant
B. Noncompliant
C. Stale
D. Not Applicable
Correct Answer: C
New Question 6:
An administrator is enabling vSphere HA and vSAN on the same cluster and needs to use a configuration that is valid for the vSphere HA Heartbeat datastore.
Which configuration should be used?
A. A datastore mounted to more than one host, as well as any vSAN datastore
B. Any datastore mounted to more than one host
C. Any datastore mounted to more than one host, but not a vSAN datastore
D. vSAN datastore as vSphere HA Heartbeat datastore
Correct Answer: C
New Question 7:
A remote location was configured with Cloud Native Storage. When the administrator put the host in maintenance mode to perform monthly patching, the File Server Health check was triggered.
Which action, if any, should the administrator take to resolve the issue?
A. Click the Repair Objects Immediately button in the VMware Skyline Health Checks.
B. Remove the host from maintenance mode, and put it back with Full Data Migration.
C. It will resolve after 60 seconds, so no action is necessary.
D. Modify the repair delay timer to 75.
Correct Answer: A
New Question 8:
Which Storage Policy Structure Rule is supported by vSAN Direct Datastore?
A. Enable tag/capacity-based placement rules
B. Enable host-based rules
C. Enable rules for vSAN storage
D. Enable storage performance-based rules
Correct Answer: C
New Question 9:
A vSAN administrator observes that the VMware Skyline Health: Time Synchronization displays one host that is noncompliant.
What is the meaning of this message?
A. The vSAN administrator must review the NTP server configuration on vCenter Server and the ESXi hosts.
B. The vSAN administrator must put the noncompliant host into maintenance mode.
C. The value of the CLOMRepairDelay parameter is incorrect.
D. The noncompliant host cannot communicate with vCenter.
Correct Answer: A
New Question 10:
An existing vSAN cluster has this specification:
Four ESXi hosts with all flash configurations Each with two disk groups Each disk group with one cache device and four capacity devices There are five more device slots available
The CTO would like to provision new applications, and these will need more capacity and performance.
Which two methods may be used by the vSAN administrator to meet this goal? (Choose two.)
A. Adding faster cache devices
B. Adding one more disk group per host with the same configuration
C. Replacing all cache devices with a larger device
D. Adding an ESXi host with an identical device configuration
E. Replacing all capacity devices with a larger device
Correct Answer: BD
New Question 11:
In a 2-node vSAN cluster, one node has recovered from failure with FTT=1 and RAID-1 storage policy. Refer to the exhibit:

What is the total VMDK storage consumed?
A. 150 GB B. 100GB
C. 133GB
D. 200GB
Correct Answer: B
New Question 12:
A vSAN administrator is looking at adding a new vSAN cluster with hosts that have 512GB of memory. What is the minimum requirement for node\’s flash boot device?
A. 16GB
B. 128GB
C. 32GB
D. 4GB
Correct Answer: A
New Question 13:
When viewing the VMware Skyline Health: vSAN Object Health report, the vSAN administrator observes that the link “Repair Objects Immediately” is enabled. What is the meaning of this message?
A. One or more objects have absent components.
B. Immediate action must be taken to effect object repair.
C. One or more objects have become inaccessible.
D. The repair delay timer has elapsed, and resynchronization has begun.
Correct Answer: D
We strongly recommend that you download the latest VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 5v0-22.21 dumps from leads4pass.com! Guaranteed to actually pass the exam.
VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 5v0-22.21 PDf dumps and VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 5v0-22.21 VCE dumps: https://www.leads4pass.com/5v0-22-21.html (76 Q&A)
(All objectives of the exam are covered in depth, so you can prepare for any question on the exam)
Supply: Download the latest VMware Specialist – vSAN 2021 5v0-22.21 dumps PDF:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aOL2OoyJ2qu1BAW4nSO6j77uNTBKiwKj/
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