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New Updated 2V0-72.22 Dumps Material Free Exam Questions
Q and As from 2V0-72.22 dumps below.
Question 1:
If a class is annotated with @Component, what should be done to have Spring automatically detect the annotated class and load it as a bean? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Ensure a valid bean name in the @Component annotation is specified.
B. Ensure a valid @ComponentScan annotation in the Java configuration is specified.
C. Ensure a valid @Scope for the class is specified.
D. Ensure a valid @Bean for the class is specified.
Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-component-annotation
Question 2:
Which two options will inject the value of the daily? limit system property? (Choose two.)
A. @Value(“#{daily.limit}”)
B. @Value(“$(system properties.daily.limit)”)
C. @Value(“$(daily.limit)”)
D. @Value(“#{systemProperties[`daily.limit\’]}”)
E. @Value(“#{systemProperties.daily.limit}”)
Correct Answer: BD
Question 3:
Which two statements are true regarding Spring Security? (Choose two.)
A. Access control can be configured at the method level.
B. A special Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) policy file need to be configured.
C. Authentication data can be accessed using a variety of different mechanisms, including databases and LDAP.
D. In the authorization configuration, the usage of permitAll () allows bypassing Spring security completely.
E. It provides a strict implementation of the Java EE Security specification.
Correct Answer: AD
Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/security-none-filters-none-access-permitAll
Question 4:
Which two statements are true regarding a Spring Boot-based Spring MVC application? (Choose two.)
A. The default embedded servlet container can be replaced with Undertow.
B. Jetty is the default servlet container.
C. Spring Boot starts up an embedded servlet container by default.
D. The default port of the embedded servlet container is 8088.
E. Spring MVC starts up an in-memory database by default.
Correct Answer: BC
Reference: https://www.javatpoint.com/spring-vs-spring-boot-vs-spring-mvc
Question 5:
Which two statements are true regarding Spring and Spring Boot Testing? (Choose two.)
A. EasyMock is supported out of the box.
B. @SpringBootTest or @SpringJUnitConfig can be used for creating an ApplicationContext.
C. Mockito spy is not supported in Spring Boot testing by default.
D. The spring-test dependency provides annotations such as @Mock and @MockBean.
E. Integration and slice testing are both supported.
Correct Answer: CD
Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.1.5.RELEASE/reference/html/boot-featurestesting.html
Question 6:
Refer to the exhibit.
Assume that the application is using Spring transaction management which uses Spring AOP internally.
Choose the statement that describes what is happening when the update1 method is called? (Choose the best answer.)
A. There are 2 transactions because REQUIRES_NEW always runs in a new transaction.
B. An exception is thrown as another transaction cannot be started within an existing transaction.
C. There is only one transaction because REQUIRES_NEW will use an active transaction if one already exists.
D. There is only one transaction initiated by update1() because the call to update2() does not go through the proxy.
Correct Answer: D
Question 7:
Which two statements are true concerning constructor injection? (Choose two.)
A. If there is only one constructor the @Autowired annotation is not required.
B. Constructor injection only allows one value to be injected.
C. Constructor injection is preferred over field injection to support unit testing.
D. Construction injection can be used with multiple constructors without @Autowired annotation.
E. Field injection is preferred over constructor injection from a unit testing standpoint.
Correct Answer: CE
Question 8:
Given an ApplicationContext containing three bean definitions of type Foo with bean ids foo1, foo2, and foo3, which three @Autowired scenarios are valid and will allow the ApplicationContext to initialize successfully? (Choose three.)
A. @Autowired public void setFoo (Foo foo) {…}
B. @Autowired @Qualifier (“foo3”) Foo foo;
C. @Autowired public void setFoo (@Qualifier (“foo1”) Foo foo) {…}
D. @Autowired private Foo foo;
E. @Autowired private Foo foo2;
F. @Autowired public void setFoo(Foo foo2) {…}
Correct Answer: ADF
Question 9:
Spring puts each bean instance in scope. What is the default scope? (Choose the best answer.)
A. prototype
B. singleton
C. request
D. session
Correct Answer: B
Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17599216/spring-bean-scopes
Question 10:
Refer to the exhibit.
Which option is a valid way to retrieve the account id? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Add @PathVariable(“id”) String accountId argument to the update() handler method.
B. Add @PathVariable long accounted argument to the update() handler method.
C. Add @RequestParam long accounted argument to the update() handler method.
D. Add @RequestParam(“id”) String accountId argument to the update() handler method.
Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/4.3.12.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/ htmlsingle/
Question 11:
Which strategy is correct for configuring Spring Security to intercept particular URLs? (Choose the best answer.)
A. The URLs can be specified via configuration (using authorize requests () and request matches), with the most specific rule first and the least specific last.
B. Spring Security can obtain URLs from Spring MVC controllers, the Spring Security configuration just needs a reference to the controller to be protected.
C. The URLs are specified in a special properties file, used by Spring Security.
D. The URLs can be specified via configuration (using authorize requests () and request matches), with the least specific rule first and the most specific last.
Correct Answer: A
Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/security-none-filters-none-access-permitAll
Question 12:
In which three ways are Security filters used in Spring Security? (Choose three.)
A. To provide risk governance.
B. To drive authentication.
C. To manage application users.
D. To provide a logout capability.
E. To enforce authorization (access control).
F. To encrypt data.
Correct Answer: BDE
Reference: https://www.javadevjournal.com/spring-security/spring-security-filters/
Question 13:
Refer to the exhibit.
The above code shows a conditional @Bean method for the creation of a JdbcTemplate bean.
Which two statements correctly describe the code behavior? (Choose two.)
A. @ConditionalOnBean(name= “dataSource”) should be replaced with @ConditionalOnBean (DataSource.class) for greater flexibility.
B. @ConditionalOnBean(name= “dataSource”) should be replaced with @ConditionalOnMissingBean (DataSource.class) for greater flexibility.
C. The @Bean annotation should be removed.
D. A JdbcTemplate bean will be created when the DataSource class is in the classpath but there is no DataSource bean.
E. A JdbcTemplate bean will be created when a bean named dataSource has already been created.
Correct Answer: AD
Question 14:
Which two are required to use transactions in Spring? (Choose two.)
A. Add @EnableTransactionManagement to a Java configuration class.
B. Annotate a class, an interface, or individual methods requiring a transaction with the @Transactional annotation.
C. A class must be annotated with @Service and @Transaction.
D. A class requiring a transaction must implement the TransactionInterceptor interface.
E. Write a Spring AOP advice to implement transactional behavior.
Correct Answer: AB
Reference: https://www.baeldung.com/transaction-configuration-with-jpa-and-spring
Question 15:
Which two statements are true regarding the RestTemplate class? (Choose two.)
A. It supports an asynchronous non-blocking model.
B. It automatically supports sending and receiving Java objects.
C. It provides convenient methods for writing REST clients.
D. It provides convenient methods for writing REST services.
E. Sending an HTTP request with a custom header is not possible when using RestTemplate.
Correct Answer: BE
Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/ client/RestTemplate.html
In conclusion,
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Keep practicing, success is yours, good luck with the 2V0-72.22 exam.