To easily pass the Associate VMware Application Modernization exam, the latest VMware 1V0-71.21 dumps are good preparation material. leads4pass 1V0-71.21 dumps 2023 preparation Materials help you understand the exam.
The brand new 1V0-71.21 dumps contain 60 questions, and if you want to stay ahead of the VMware 1V0-71.21 exam, then the leads4pass 1V0-71.21 dumps are the ideal choice for you, download 1V0-71.21 dumps (PDF+VCE).
[Newest Version] Free Preparation Material 1V0-71.21 Exam Questions 100% Pass Exam
Question 1:
What are two ways a container in a Pod can consume ConfigMap data? (Choose two.)
A. Mounted as a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)
B. From Read-only files
C. From Read-write files
D. From Environment variables
E. Containers do not consume ConfigMap data
Correct Answer: BD
Question 2:
Which VMware product provides the ability to connect and protect microservices across any runtime and any cloud?
A. Tanzu Network Profiler
B. Tanzu Observability
C. Tanzu Service Mesh
D. NSX Advanced Load Balancer
Correct Answer: C
Question 3:
What are the three capabilities of the VMware Tanzu Portfolio? (Choose three.)
A. Unified, Global Multi-Cluster Management
B. Container Build Automation
C. Physical Infrastructure Automation
D. Integrated Developer Environment (IDE)
E. Tanzu Programming Language
F. Enterprise-Ready Kubernetes Runtime
Correct Answer: ABF
Question 4:
What two kubectl commands would provide the status of Pod in a Kubernetes cluster? (Choose two.)
A. kubectl get pods
B. kubectl describe pods
C. kubectl pods status
D. kubectl status pods
Correct Answer: AB
Question 5:
What is the relationship between Kubernetes and containers?
A. There is no relationship between Kubernetes and containers
B. Kubernetes provides a platform for managing containerized workloads
C. Kubernetes is a place where you store container images
D. Kubernetes provides a way to build containers
Correct Answer: B
Reference: %20Tutorial
Question 6:
What is the purpose of a container?
A. Make it difficult to change the environment that an application runs on
B. Abstract a running application from the environment that it runs on
C. Make it easy to change the runtime that an application uses
D. Allow a complex application to run as a single unit
Correct Answer: D
Question 7:
What is the valid way to deploy a Pod in a Kubernetes cluster?
A. Copy a manifest file to the API server in the /etc/kubernetes/pods directory
B. SSH to the worker node where the Pod is desired to run and issue the command “kubectl apply -f myPod.yaml”
C. Copy a manifest file to a worker node in the /etc/kubernetes/pods directory
D. Issue the command “kubectl apply -f myPod.yaml”
Correct Answer: B
Question 8:
VMware Tanzu is a family of products and services for modernizing _______ and _______.
A. Networks and Servers
B. Applications and Infrastructure
C. Networks and Applications
D. Infrastructure and Networks
Correct Answer: B
Reference:,deliver%20better%20software%20to% 20production.andtext=VMware%20Tanzu%20enables% 20development%20and,to%20deliver% 20transformative%20business%20results
Question 9:
Which two goals can be achieved using a Kubernetes deployment? (Choose two.)
A. Change the container image in a Pod
B. Define different classes of storage
C. Increase the number of replicas of a given Pod
D. Grant an Active Directory user access to a Kubernetes cluster
E. Ensure that only one instance of a Pod will run on every node in a Kubernetes cluster
Correct Answer: AC
Question 10:
Which Kubernetes Service type is invalid?
A. LoadBalancer
B. NodePort
C. InternalName
D. ExternalName
E. ClusterIP
Correct Answer: C
Question 11:
List three benefits of Tanzu Mission Control: (Choose three.)
A. Converts your Kubernetes Clusters to ClusterAPI Mode
B. Enhances operational efficiency
C. Strengthens security and compliance
D. Provides CI/CD Pipeline Automation
E. Increases developer agility and productivity
Correct Answer: BCE
Question 12:
What is the result of Continuous Delivery?
A. An application build has been produced and is ready for deployment to production
B. A broken application build is able to be fixed rapidly
C. An application build artifact has been produced
D. An application build has been produced and deployed to production
Correct Answer: A
Question 13:
Why do enterprises need Application Modernization?
A. To build new applications is the only way to achieve a modern application
B. To realize the benefits of unstructured data over relational databases
C. The cost of maintaining older applications is too great
D. To migrate all applications to the cloud
Correct Answer: C
Question 14:
Which are the three container registries? (Choose three.)
A. Google Container Registry
B. Amazon Container Image Service
C. Docker Hub
D. Open Container Image Registry
E. Harbor
F. VMware Container Registry
Correct Answer: CEF
Question 15:
Which are three valid ways to specify a Namespace when creating an object in Kubernetes? (Choose three.)
A. Specifying the Namespace in a ConfigMap
B. Specifying the Namespace in the container image for the object provided to “kubectl apply”
C. Specifying the Namespace in the context of the kubectl configuration file
D. Specifying the Namespace as an environment variable
E. Specifying the Namespace in the manifest file for the object provided to “kubectl apply”
F. Using the “–namespace” option when issuing a kubectl command
Correct Answer: BCF
In conclusion,
Successfully passing the VMware 1V0-71.21 exam is the key to finding good preparation materials. As mentioned at the beginning, the leads4pass 1V0-71.21 dumps are that good preparation material, all you need to do is get it, 1V0-71.21 dumps 2023 (PDF+VCE).
Keep practicing, success is yours, good luck with the 1V0-71.21 exam.